Good times or bad, there is no escaping the fact that something is going to be different from what it used to be. Consider how many business leaders are grappling with corporate restructuring, setting up new products or offices, implementing new processes or technology, adapting to new rules and regulations, hiring or firing staff, acquiring businesses or even being taken over by another company.
Does everything go as smoothly as it could? Do people always embrace changes like these enthusiastically? Do they cope as well as they could? Recent advances in neuroscience show that the dysfunctional effects of change on human behaviour are very real and can have a tangible impact on corporate profitability. And many business leaders are realizing that they could improve their bottom line if they could implement changes more effectively.
At Limbic Human Capital our mission is to help business leaders learn new ways to cope with change successfully. We don’t believe you can avoid change, but we do think you can learn to deal with it much more productively. We are not project managers; we do not run your projects for you. We help people to generate behavioural shifts so that they can be more adaptive, more fully engaged and more productive. We can work with you and your people so that you become more resilient and resourceful in the face of change.
What’s more, our methodology helps deliver permanent behavioural shifts leaving people better equipped to deal with any future change – even those things that just seem to spring on us from nowhere – life’s unknown unknowns.